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Conservation Network of Optimists Worldwide (ConservationNOW)

We believe that Conservation Optimism is more than our online hub — it’s a spirit and an ethos that many organizations are embracing as we all move forward to build a more effective, more inclusive, and more active future for conservation.

To this end, we are working to build robust reciprocal relationships with organizations — collectively called the Conservation Network of Optimists Worldwide, or ConservationNOW — that uphold the vision that we have outlined in our Mission Statement.

Our members are working to inspire, motivate, equip, support, and empower conservationists around the world, and they’ve joined this network so that collectively we can all be more effective at sharing our successes, broadening our reach, and maximizing our impact.

If you would like to join #ConservationNOW, submit your application!

Submit Application
9Trees CIC
A Focus On Nature
A Rocha
Action For Conservation
Animondial Ltd
Asociación Mujeres y Conservación
Association Anoulak
Beegreen Ltd.
Better Century
Biophilic Conversations
Blue Iguana Conservation
Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Bright Tide
Bristol Zoological Society
Canopy Collective
Citizen Zoo
Climate Solution International
Coast 4C
Congolese Youth Biodiversity Network
Conservation Careers
Conservation X Labs
COPROT Comunidad Protectora de Tortugas de Osa
DLV Limited
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Earth Optimism
Earth School Singapore
East-West Center
Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station
Estación Biológica el Banco
Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme
European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA)
EWCO Uganda
Experimental Civics
Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants
Falklands Conservation
Forest Healing Foundation
Friends of the Rainforest
Fundação Príncipe
Fundación Herpetológica Gustavo Orcés
Future For Nature Academy
Galapagos Conservation Trust
Giraffe Conservation Foundation
Global Conservation Solutions
Global Diversity Foundation
Global Earth Repair Foundation
Global Penguin Society
Global Rewilding Alliance / YouthREWILD
Global Youth Biodiversity Network
Great Bustard Group
Greenhood Nepal
Greenpeace Africa
Grupo Rana
Habitat XR
Heal Rewilding
Hidden Worlds Entertainment Inc
Impact Media Lab
Indigo Expeditions
Instituto Juruá
Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science
Internet of Elephants
Island Stories of Change
IUCN Green List
IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership
Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
Kejibaus Youth Development Initiatives
Key Conservation
Lao Conservation Trust for Wildlife
LGBTQ+ Field Network
Liga para a Protecção da Natureza
Limbe Wildlife Centre
Lonely Conservationists
Lost & Found Nature
Love The Oceans
Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative
Mangrove Action Project
Margaret Pyke Trust
Marine Stewardship Council
Mirada de Aves
Motion Aptitude
National Environmental Treasure
Nature Advocacy
Nature Conservation Georgia
Nature inFocus
Nature Rwanda
Nature Yetu
Nature's SAFE
North American Youth Parliament for Water
Ocean Conservation Trust
Ocean Optimism
Oceans Unmanned
One Planet Conservation Awareness
Operation Wallacea
Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group
Oxford University Nature Conservation Society
Painted Dog Conservation
Palm Oil Detectives
PANORAMA - Solutions for a Healthy Planet
Parents for the Planet
PCI Media Impact
Peace For Conservation
Photography Inspiring Children in Conservation
Planet Indonesia
Plant Heroes
Pledge for our Future
Pridelands Films
PROGRES Sulawesi
Projeto Onças Do Iguaçu
Rare Species Conservatory Foundation
Reserva Tesoro Escondido
Reserva: The Youth Land Trust
Restore Our Planet
România Sălbatică
Saiga Conservation Alliance
Save Philippine Seas
Save the frogs! Buenos Aires
Sawfish Project Indonesia
Science Saves Sharks
Sea Ranger Service
Seaworthy Collective
SEED Madagascar
Selamatkan Yaki
Society for Conservation Biology Malaysia Chapter
Song & Dance Communications
Stripes and Green Earth Foundation
Sumatran Orangutan Society
Sustainable Ocean Alliance Tanzania (SOA TANZANIA)
Synchronicity Earth
Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary
Tales from Mother Earth
Tangled Seas
Tanzania Wildlife Media Association
Tetra Tech
The Species Recovery Trust
The Wildheart Trust
The Wildlife Blogger Crowd
Thicket Tales
Think Wildlife Foundation
Thresher Shark Project Indonesia
TOSCO (Tourism Supporting Conservation)
Tunza Games
Ubuntu Magazine
UCSC Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program
University of the West of England
Upstream Policies
Viaje al Aprendizaje Caño Negro
Water Rangers
Whitley Fund For Nature
Why Conserve
Wild Conversations
Wild Islands
Wild Team
Wilderness Foundation UK
Wildlife Alliance
Wildlife Conservation Network
Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network
Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja
Women for Wildlife
Youth for Our Planet
Youth For Wildlife Conservation
Zoological Society of London

What Does
ConservationNOW Do?

By joining ConservationNOW, members agree to strive to join us in:

  • Being optimistic but realistic
  • Building an inclusive, global community
  • Welcoming everyone who wants to contribute
  • Fighting burnout and negativity
  • Combining disciplines and sectors in innovative and creative ways
  • Sharing optimistic stories, tools and ideas to help us all do conservation better
  • Reaching out using a range of approaches and forums, online and in-person
  • Changing the discourse about conservation and what it can achieve by sharing and learning from the Optimism communities
  • Amplifying diverse voices and experiences
  • Being free-thinking and informal

By joining ConservationNOW, members pledge to refrain from:

  • Engaging in messaging that is counter to the ethos of Conservation Optimism (eg: posting negative messages without an action point, or messaging where the primary takeaway is despair. Obviously, all conservation groups will post sad, scary, troubling, sobering, infuriating, or otherwise bleak stories, but Conservation Optimism means finding a way to give people a way of contributing to solutions).

Benefits & Responsibilities

Conservation Optimism helps ConservationNOW members by:

  • Sharing and spreading the ConservationNOW members’ #conservationoptimism messages across all of our channels to help further the partner organization’s reach and expand their audience;
  • Encouraging cross-promotion between ConservationNOW members;
  • Editing and hosting blog posts by or about ConservationNOW members, and push them out on our social media channels to ensure maximum impact;
  • Publicizing the ConservationNOW members’ optimistic work, events, and visions in our network;
  • Hosting webinars to promote our members’ work;
  • Organising mentoring sessions to provide members with the opportunity to develop specialist skillsets *Promote networking and collaboration between members;
  • Providing members to promote their work through social media, e.g. Instagram.

ConservationNOW members help the wider Conservation Optimism community by:

  • Actively using the #conservationoptimism hashtag on social media with content that embodies the Conservation Optimism vision & complies with the general Conservation Optimism community guidelines;
  • Contributing blog posts about their work to;
  • Hosting webinars on specialist topics aiming to provide new skillsets to conservation professionals;
  • Always including an action point in negative messaging so that people can find hope, inspiration, or motivation in even dire stories.