Since its official launch by David Attenborough in 1991, Falklands Conservation has been the largest membership conservation charity in the Falkland Islands. We work on behalf of our members, and in partnership with the local and international community, to conserve the Falklands’ natural environment through community outreach, practical conservation, and research. We rely on donations and public support to carry out our work.
We feel that within our organisation, and amongst all the people in the Islands that we have the good fortune to work with, whether in government, schools, industry or on the land, there is a strong desire to look to the future. Looking to ways of ensuring nature is able to flourish for the benefit of all. This includes experimenting with the best approaches to managing it, whether that be a different native planting regime, or a hydrocarbon oil spill response that takes account of wildlife, rather than harking back to an imagined perfect past, and wanting to return everything back to that state.
There is a desire to keep ahead of the challenges that face the natural world, and looking for ways to manage them. We believe it is our role at Falklands Conservation to be a voice for nature, speaking out when necessary, and celebrating successes rather than always seeing doom and gloom of perpetual decline. We embrace this conservation optimism vision by always having a positive community tone, and this is embedded in our internal communications protocol and outreach work.
By partnering with ConservationNOW, we hope to join with the Conservation Optimism movement, to spread positivity, and to continue to follow our aims of Community Involvement, Conservation Action and Conservation Ambition.