The National Environmental Treasure (NET), a Canadian environmental non-governmental organization, is excited to join the global ConservationNOW community because we believe deeply in the Conservation Optimism vision and would like to be a part of a thriving network working to reframe environmental messaging.
Effectively communicating the impact of biodiversity loss and solutions for its conservation is not something one organization can accomplish on their own. Given the unprecedented level of environmental changes we are experiencing and the effect this is having on humans and the species with which we share the planet, we believe that networks present opportunities to make a greater impact. Their ability to link organizations, enhance profiles, extend outreach, and bring diverse perspectives to the table can help drive meaningful change. We recognize these qualities in Conservation Optimism and ConservationNOW, which is why we wanted to join this vibrant global network for positive environmental storytelling.
In partnering with Conservation Optimism and ConservationNOW, our goal is to be part of a like-minded global community aimed at making a difference for nature. We hope to develop reciprocal relationships with the many organizations that are a part of the network by learning from one another about different positive messaging and communication strategies. We would also like to collaborate with other organizations by cross-promoting content via our blog and social media to help amplify one another’s messaging and media.
We believe NET is a great fit in the ConservationNOW network since our approach to education and communication embraces the Conservation Optimism ethos. While there are many factors contributing to biodiversity loss, we believe that a heavy emphasis on doom and gloom messaging is a major contributor. After decades of alarmist discourse around environmental issues, many people are experiencing climate apathy, anxiety, and grief. To inspire hope for meaningful action, our educational media aims to communicate science, conservation, and policy issues in more understandable, engaging, and positive ways.
Many aspects of our messaging are informed by the ‘Framing Nature Toolkit’ and ‘Positive Communication Toolkit’, specifically around the use of jargon, framing strategies, and helping people find ways to relate to information based on their own experiences. Effective information interpretation for public understanding has never been more critical since an educated, engaged, and empowered citizenry is central to any major systems changes. Therefore, our current biodiversity education program communicates the magic and wonder of biodiversity while exploring tangible solutions and sharing action-oriented messaging.