Malaysia is a highly diverse country with endemic wildlife and pristine habitat. These national treasures are protected by various stakeholders, from government officials to NGOs, to academia, local community and others. Effective conservation management does not only revolve around only from collecting data from time to time. We also have to consider using proper language to convey positive and hopeful messages to the public for better conservation education.
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) envisions a world where people understand, value, and conserves the diversity of life on Earth. We envision SCB, a global community of conservation professionals, as a leading scientific voice for the study and conservation of Earth’s biological diversity.
SCB is an international professional organisation dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. The Society’s membership comprises a wide range of people interested in the conservation and study of biological diversity: resource managers, educators, government and private conservation workers, and students make up the more than 5,000 members worldwide.
The Society of Conservation Biology (SCB) Malaysia Chapter’s goal is to provide a platform where conservation professionals from the academia, government, private and non-governmental organisations can network, collaborate and exchange information. We also aim to enhance the visibility of conservation efforts in Malaysia while encouraging the participation of the public in such programs.
Members of SCB Malaysia comprise professionals and researchers from government agencies, private sectors, academia lecturers from public and private universities, NGOs (Malaysian Primatological Society, Turtle Conservation Society, Management and Ecology of Malaysian Elephant (MEME), WWF Malaysia, MNS Malaysia, Rimba etc).
SCB Malaysia holds the organizational value that there is an important intrinsic element in the natural diversity of organisms, the complexity of ecological systems, and the resilience created by evolutionary processes. Other than that, we believe human-caused extinctions and the destruction and loss of function of natural ecosystems are unacceptable and we believe maintaining and restoring biological diversity are individual and collective responsibilities of humans.
Science is critical for understanding how the natural world operates and how human actions affect nature. We also practice collaboration among scientists, managers, and policy-makers as it is vital to incorporate high-quality science into policies and management decisions affecting biological diversity.
At SCB Malaysia, we believe that the movement of Conservation Optimism, which embraces positive messaging, could improve the conservation sector and help us to achieve our goals and visions.
Optimism will help conservation practitioners to sustain their path, by recognizing failure factors and considering steps to move forward for success. By partnering with this movement, we hope to engage in a more positive and productive manner with more potential, novice and professional conservation practitioners and leaders and follow their pathway towards more effective conservation management.