2024 webinars & workshops:
NOVEMBER WEBINAR: The Purr-fect Partnership: Creative Outreach for Wild Cat Conservation – 29.11.24, 2pm BST
Join us for an inspiring webinar on the transformative power of storytelling and interdisciplinary collaboration in conservation. We’ll explore the art of designing communication tools that not only raise awareness but also help drive coexistence and conservation. Also discover ‘Kaab the Jaguar’ – a children’s book – the comic series ‘Big Stories of Small Wild Cats’, and more!
We had two hosts for this webinar:
- Mariam Weston: Sustainable Development Engineer with an MPhil in Conservation Leadership from the University of Cambridge and Coordinator of the Ocelot Working Group.
- Andy Malpica: Freelance illustrator based in Mexico City. She recently completed an MA in Children’s book illustration from Cambridge School of Art
Facilitated by Conservation Optimism
OCTOBER WEBINAR: Empowering the Future: Youth Involvement in Governance – 22.10.24, 1pm BST
Join representatives from the Chester Zoo Youth Board as we discuss the crucial role of young people in governance. This session will highlight the importance of empowering the next generation within decision-making structures and provide practical strategies and solutions for fostering meaningful youth involvement. Discover how to integrate youth perspectives to create a more inclusive and forward-thinking approach to governance.
Hosted by Lyndon Howson & Chloe Torkington, Chester Zoo Youth Board
Facilitated by Conservation Optimism
More information about the Chester Zoo Youth Board can be found here: https://www.chesterzoo.org/footer/about-chester-zoo/chester-zoo-youth-board
A copy of the presentation slides from this webinar can be accessed here.
WEBINAR JULY: Bridging Borders: Crafting Inclusive Communications for Wildlife Conservation – 31.07.24, 1pm BST
Effective communication in wildlife conservation requires addressing diverse cultural backgrounds and limited resources. By understanding these challenges, we can develop strategies that resonate globally. In this webinar, MarAlliance’s Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Mireia Peris will share practical approaches to ensure your messages are inclusive and impactful.
More information about MarAlliance can be found here: https://maralliance.org/
A copy of the presentation slides from this webinar can be accessed here.
WEBINAR MAY: Optimistic Communications for Conservation – 21.05 2pm BST
Find out how to compassionately and empathetically give your audiences painful conservation news without contributing more to eco-anxiety so that they are more hopeful, motivated, and ready to take action.
Hosted by Julianna Van Adrichem, a Conservation Communicator and Owner & Founder of Promosaurus
Facilitated by Conservation Optimism
More information about Promosaurus can be found here: https://www.promosaurus.ca/
WEBINAR FEBRUARY: Harnessing Tourism To Advance Conservation – 21.02 2pm GMT
The vision of Nature Positive Tourism is gaining high-level support within the sector. David Jay from tourism consultancy ANIMONDIAL explains the initiative and what it has to offer the future of conservation. He also introduces the Animal Protection Network, a portfolio of grassroots projects aimed at connecting corporate strategies with real impacts on the ground.
Hosted by David Jay, Animal Protection Network Manager, ANIMONDIAL
Facilitated by Conservation Optimism
More information about ANIMONDIAL can be found here: https://animondial.com/
Previous 2023 webinars & workshops:
WEBINAR NOVEMBER: featuring Dr. Charu Mishra – 20.11 2pm GMT
Our latest Conservation Optimism webinar features one of the world’s leading experts on snow leopards and the Whitley Gold Award, Dr. Charu Mishra. We collaborated with Conservation Careers and Whitley Fund for Nature for this special chat. Charu is an Executive Director of the International Snow Leopard Trust and Co-Founder of India’s Nature Conservation Foundation. For over 25 years he has been working to increase the protection for snow leopards across all 12 of their range countries, with the vital support of locals. He is also a pioneer of the community-based conservation approach.
Useful links:
- Dr. Charu Mishra: https://whitleyaward.org/winners/buil…
- Whitley Fund for Nature: https://whitleyaward.org/
- Conservation Careers: https://www.conservation-careers.com/
WEBINAR AUGUST: Introducing the Key Conservation Platform: Real-Time Support for Conservation – 30.08 2pm GMT
The Key platform, available on mobile and desktop, works to streamline the way conservation organizations can gain critical support from people around the world while also creating transparency, accessibility, and actionable steps for those who want to support conservation work in real-time with their skills, funds, and in-person support.
Objectives of webinar is to 1) learn about the Key platform and how it works; 2) Learn how conservation organizations and researchers can utilize the platform; 3) Learn how to apply and get on the platform.
Hosted by Megan Cromp, Founder & Director of Key Conservation
Facilitated by Conservation Optimism
WEBINAR MAY: Communicating the biodiversity crisis: From “Warnings” to Positive Engagement – 10.05 11am BST
What role can positive communication play in transforming society toward a sustainable and biodiverse future? For our May webinar, we organized a Q&A with Emiel de Lange and William Sharkey, moderated by CO Interim Director Sofia Castelló y Tickell. All three are the co-authors of a recent paper “Communicating the Biodiversity Crisis: From “Warnings” to Positive Engagement” published in the journal Tropical Conservation Science. This discussion explored the principles of positive communication, evidence on the role of emotions in decision-making, and strategies to help inspire long-term engagement and action in conservation.
Link for the publication: https://bit.ly/41SyUh3
Previous 2022 webinars & workshops:
WEBINAR DECEMBER: Use your Social Media channels wisely: How to optimize your digital resources and post engaging stories? led by Mireia Peris (MarAlliance) – 14.12 1pm GMT
Social Media can incite policy changes, increase pro-conservation behaviours and improve your funding and collaboration prospects… but who do you want to reach? In this workshop, you will learn how to understand and connect with your desired audiences and learn how to optimize your resources to create a strong digital ecosystem for your charity or conservation project. By targeting the correct audiences and tailoring engaging content your social media can support achieving wildlife conservation goals. For ConservationNOW members only.
WEBINAR NOVEMBER: Re-connect people and nature through compelling animated stories – Giuseppe Forestieri (Motion Aptitude) -16.11 4pm GMT
Find out the benefits of this medium to communicate effectively with your audience.
General overview: By highlighting the power of animated stories to communicate effectively with your audience, this webinar aims to support organisations, and environmental scientists to promote their research, convey their values, and maximise their impact. It can also be used as a guide and source of inspiration for communications professionals.
What we’ll be talking about?
- Benefits of using animation to communicate your story or publish your report.
- An overview of the animation process.
- What to consider when creating a brief for an animation.
- An overview of the cost involved in producing an explainer video.
WEBINAR OCTOBER: Why the planetary crisis needs a transformative change? Swetha Stotra Bhashyam (Global Youth Biodiversity Network) – 05.10 2.30pm BST/1.30pm UTC
WEBINAR OCTOBER: Leadership for Our Planet: Making Your Own Path– Joe Wilkins (Reserva: The Youth Land Trust) – 03.10.2022 1-2pm BST
In this webinar, Joe Wilkins, Engagement Coordinator from Reserva, will introduce the process they went through when starting Reserva, the importance of setting a clear mission and vision for our work, and its relevance to a sustainable and ethical organization. The experience will not only help in empowering young people in biodiversity conservation but will be relevant to other marginalized groups and fields.
SEPTEMBER WEBINAR: UK Biodiverse Habitats What Where When WHY? Mike Cunningham (9Trees) -06.09 2pm BST
Michael Cunningham has worked in conservation for many years and he now runs non-profit 9Trees CIC. This Community Interest Company puts the planet before people and profit! Join him as he talks about UK biodiverse habitats, his love for nature and how human impact has shaped the world. This positive and uplifting talk is great for anyone who is fed up with hearing about the climate and biodiversity crisis and wants to do something about it. He will chat about many features of habitats and companies/NGOs doing great work, and why it is important to plant for wildlife and the environment. He will conclude the talk by explaining how his team is creating the woodlands of the FUTURE.
WEBINAR AUGUST: Using Technology for Wildlife Applications by Dr Kayleigh Fawcett Williams (WildlifeTek) – 31.08 1pm BST
In this webinar, Dr Kayleigh Fawcett Williams from Wildlifetek will talk about how technology can help us to better understand and protect wildlife. Using technology appropriately can help to improve the accuracy, efficiency and overall outcomes of wildlife projects. Drawing on her nineteen years of experience working with wildlife and technology, Kayleigh will take us on a journey around the world to explore how wildlife professionals are using a range of innovative techniques to detect different wildlife species. Prepare to learn how methods such as thermal imaging, bioacoustics and artificial intelligence can help wildlife, and humans, to thrive.
WEBINAR JUNE: How can YOU stop Wildlife Cybercrime? – Anish Banerjee (Think Wildlife Foundation) 22.06.2022 1pm BST
With the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, the illegal wildlife trade has ironically shifted online. The major social media and ecommerce platforms have come under significant scrutiny for allowing the trade to occur openly on their platforms. Learn more about the trends in the trade, what is being done and how YOU can help curb wildlife cybercrime.
WEBINAR MAY: Generating Conservation from Social Media – 17.05.2022 4pm BST
In this webinar, Maria Carbin, from Conservation Optimism’s Social Media team, will discuss how to make the best use of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram to empower conservation. From accessibility to audience to presentation, she’ll be underlining the key things to consider with each and every social media post by going through the processes over at CO and highlighting how media can bring conservation to life. For ConservationNOW members only.
WEBINAR MAY: Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative: 25 years of tapir conservation efforts in Brazil – Felipe Moreli Fantacini and Gabriela Medeiros (Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative) – 10.05.22 5pm to 6pm BST
The Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (Iniciativa Nacional para a Conservação da Anta Brasileira) is promoting the research and conservation of lowland tapirs and their remaining habitats in Brazil. Patrícia Medici has created and has been leading since 1996 a long-term research and conservation programme on lowland tapirs in the Atlantic Forests of the Pontal do Paranapanema region, São Paulo, Brazil. This programme has included studies in ecology, population demography, population biology, epidemiology, genetics, habitat use and effects of habitat fragmentation, as well as promotion of community involvement through sustainable development, environmental education and habitat restoration efforts. During this webinar, Felipe Moreli Fantacini and Gabriela Medeiros de Pinho will give us an overview of their journey and will reveal some of the project’s findings.
WEBINAR APRIL: Becoming an adversity ninja: How to be resilient in the conservation world – Jennifer Palmer (Women for Wildlife) – 12.04.22 5pm to 6pm BST
It is part of human nature to desire ease, abundance and connection. Yet, more often than we wish, we find ourselves in places of discomfort, lack and disconnection. As we journey through life, there are infinite moments when we get to choose how adversity impacts us, especially if we are in the world of conservation. When our natural world is struggling, our careers feel bleak, or feel things are simply piling too high for too long and simply “not working out,” how do we interpret it, learn from it and grow from it? Adversity holds a tremendous amount of wisdom if we allow it to be our teacher. Overcoming hardships is what builds resiliency and offers us the opportunity to expand beyond what we thought we were capable of if we let it.
WEBINAR MARCH: Using visuals to create conservation impact – Anthony Ochieng (TonyWild) – 03.03.22 12pm to 1pm GMT
Conservation is everyone’s role, and for us to achieve this we need to communicate to as many people as possible. Visuals play a key role in achieving this process. The webinar will showcase highlights from the projects conducted by TonyWild and will demonstrate how they have enabled them to achieve their main goal which is to create awareness about wildlife conservation.
WEBINAR FEBRUARY: Where can we find conservation optimism in today’s world – and why do we need to?- E.J. Milner-Gulland (Conservation Optimism/University of Oxford) – 17.02.22 4pm to 5pm GMT
In this webinar, E.J. will give some examples from her own experience of how conservation optimism can be found even in the most unlikely places – including Cambodia’s besieged forests and the now-desert of the Aral Sea. She’ll talk about her motivations for starting Conservation Optimism, and how together we can make positive steps towards meeting the challenge of our changing world.
WEBINAR JANUARY: Empowering youth to make a real difference for nature – Callie Broaddus, Alex Collins, and Joe Wilkins (Reserva: The Youth Land Trust) – 24.01.22 4pm to 5pm GMT
What does it take to create the world’s first entirely youth-funded nature reserve? How do you shape an organisation that bridges the gap between youth advocacy and tried-and-true methods of conservation? Reserva: The Youth Land Trust is a one-of-a-kind organisation empowering youth to make a measurable difference in the future of our planet through projects in conservation, education, and storytelling. In this webinar, the team will share their organisation and experience!
They will present and discuss the operational structures and creative strategies that they have implemented to empower effective youth-led biodiversity conservation. This will include instructive behind-the-scenes case studies and testimonials, highlighting how young people with a shared love of wildlife have overcome traditional barriers in order to elevate youth voices and allow young people to take direct action for nature.
Previous 2021 webinars & workshops:
WEBINAR FEBRUARY: Positive Communication Toolkit: A guide to (re)framing conservation messages to empower action – Julia Migné (Conservation Optimism) – 16.02.21 2pm GMT
Join us to get a deep-dive into the Positive Communication Toolkit that Conservation Optimism developed in partnership with Framing Matters and ConservationNOW members. You’ll hear about the importance of the values and beliefs that underpin your message and will discover how to avoid common communication traps to bring an optimistic twist to your content.
WEBINAR MARCH: Social media 101: Building online engagement – Nina Seale (Synchronicity Earth) – 09.03.21 4pm GMT
Trying to build social media with a shoestring budget? Have you got one person or volunteer juggling social media with all their other responsibilities?
In this webinar, we will go over each of the main social media channels and talk about the usefulness of each one for a conservation organisation. We will discuss what to think about when making your social media strategy, and how to prioritise if you have limited staff time and resources.
WEBINAR APRIL: Helping conservation in real-time through an app – Megan Cromp (Key Conservation) – 13.04.21 2.30pm BST
Join Megan Cromp, founder and director of Key Conservation, as she discusses how her experiences as a wildlife biologist led to the creation of the Key Conservation platform, how conservationists can utilize Key to connect with a global audience who can give their professional skills, funds, and in-person help, and learn ways you can get more involved as the platform grows.
WEBINAR MAY: BackyardBio – experiential outdoor learning and citizen science – Jesse Hildebrand (Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants) – 05.05.21 1pm BST
Join Jesse Hildebrand, VP of education for Canadian non-profit Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants as he details the upcoming BackyardBio Global Nature Campaign running all May long. We’ll go over how the program came together, the many ways people can take part, the benefits of experiential outdoor learning and the potential for people around the globe to connect in a shared love of wildlife in their ‘backyards”!
WEBINAR JUNE: Building an online community: Conservation Optimism (CO) India hub’s journey of community-building during the pandemic – CO India Hub Team – 29.06.21 12:30 PM BST
The CO-India hub came into being right around the time the pandemic bought with it the very first series of global lockdowns. While starting their journey during such a turbulent time meant that our plans of hosting events were no longer feasible, they took solace in the fact that the power of the internet could galvanize them.
During this webinar, the CO-India Hub Team will share their story of starting a movement during the pandemic, harboring the powers of social media. They will discuss the process of choosing important components like which platform to use, what content to produce, and what audience to cater to. They will also discuss the rewards and challenges of building an online platform that essentially aims to provide a space for people to share their stories. The webinar will provide a space to have a conversation about building an online community, particularly within the context of conservation.
WORKSHOP JULY: Graphic design for social media – Teja Kovačič (Conservation Optimism) – 16.07.21 11am BST
In this webinar, Instagram Curator Teja Kovačič will talk about different graphic design tools and how to use them. We will be focusing on Canva, a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content. Teja will show how she uses Canva for the Conservation Optimism Instagram channel and how you can use it for different social media platforms. For ConservationNOW members only.
WEBINAR JULY: Strategies of Conservation Education – Connecting Rural & Urban Educational Institutes & Communities, a look at some of the Success Stories – Biswajit De (WildRoots India) 27.07.21 12.30 BST/5pm IST
In this webinar, Biswajit De, the Founder President of WildRoots-India will share some success stories from collaborative projects and programmes related to climate, environment, biodiversity awareness, and conservation education. During the year 2010, WildRoots-India started connecting the educational institutions of the rural and urban sectors in the North-Eastern States of India, and the impacts on different communities have been amazing and have now opened new pathways, to plan, execute and document collaborative projects, enabling the youth to find out collective solutions to many problems such as habitat loss, hunting, and human-wildlife conflicts.
WEBINAR AUGUST: Tips for effective grant writing – Janice Law (Whitley Fund for Nature) – 24.08.21 11am BST
How do you stand out in a pool of applications? What do donors look for in a proposal?
Join us to learn some helpful tips on grant writing as well as ask questions based on your own experiences. Here, we will cover the basic outline of a proposal, what makes a good proposal and the “do’s” and “don’t’s” in grant writing.
WORKSHOP SEPTEMBER: Conservation Projects Visual Reporting – Anthony Ochieng (TonyWild) – 8.09.21, 15.09.21, 22.09.21, 11am-1pm
Conservation projects around the world all depend on funds. The organization that provides funds always requires a report during and after the project. Why not take a step further to learn how to create images that are linked together with your conservation monitoring and evaluation plan that will support your reporting, social media, and fundraising efforts? You will learn why you need compelling visuals, how to frame your project activities, how to share your outcome/objects with a series of images (telling the conservation project story). These sessions will be divided into the basics of photography, conservation storytelling, and a portfolio review.
WEBINAR SEPTEMBER: Playing with Wildlife Science – Gautam Shah (Internet of elephants) – 30.09.21 11am BST
Through the dedication of thousands of wildlife scientists and supported by continuously evolving technology, the conservation world is collecting an incredible amount of valuable data about our planet and its inhabitants. Hidden within that data are incredible, engaging stories of habitats, animals that live within them, and the people that study them. Yet, most of that data ends up in scientific journals or exclusive databases meant primarily for the scientific community.
Internet of Elephants exists to expose those stories to the public and drive empathy towards both the natural world but also those that have dedicated their lives to protect it. And they use games and interactive experiences to make their audiences active participants in those stories, rather than just passive watchers.
Join this webinar to learn how games can be a particularly powerful storytelling medium, and specifically how real science data can be converted into compelling experiences that transcend geography, income, gender, and age.
WORKSHOP OCTOBER: Storytelling – Find your stories – Nina Seale (Synchronicity Earth) – 6.10.21, 2pm BST
Storytelling plays a very important role in conservation communication and fundraising. We aren’t short of stories- we work with incredibly inspiring communities and many conservationists have fun tales of wild encounters. This interactive workshop will encourage participants to find their strongest stories and practice telling them with a small group of other conservationists. For ConservationNOW members only.
WEBINAR OCTOBER: Framing controversial topics – the example of palm oil – Lucy Radford (Sumatran Orangutan Society) – 7.10.21 2pm BST
Many topics in conservation can be difficult to explain without losing nuance or alienating part of your audience. In this webinar, Lucy Radford from Sumatran Orangutan Society uses the example of the debate around sustainable palm oil to discuss strategies for framing these topics and dealing with your audience’s responses.