Think Wildlife Foundation is an initiative started by a group of students who have an innate passion for wildlife. With our planet’s biodiversity being threatened by a host of issues such as deforestation, ocean pollution and poaching, we felt that we should try and do our part to help some of the great projects to support wildlife around the globe.
We are currently raising awareness about global conservation issues they face through our blog, outreach programs and social media channels. We are also supporting the fantastic organisations below financially with the money we raise through out e-commerce store where we sell nature-inspired products and raise funds for projects around India. Some of our initiatives include: adopting wildlife in rescue centres, tree plantations, and providing resources for conservation projects. Please do also follow us on social media to see how you can support us.
We believe joining the ConservationNow network is good for collaborations for our upcoming conservation projects. Much of our work revolves around awareness and fundraising, particularly for the cause of ethical wildlife tourism and we strongly believe that joining the ConservationNOW network will aid our awareness programs.