Wildlife Alliance is a global leader in the direct protection of forests and wildlife with our field programs focusing across 5,000 km² of the biodiverse Cardamom Rainforest Landscape, South-West Cambodia.
Our ethos is that through effective on-the-ground delivery of conservation programs, with a particular focus on robust law enforcement and ensuring community members in biodiversity hotspots have access to sustainable livelihood opportunities, much of the global extinction crisis can be mitigated.
Through our engagement in the Cardamom Landscape we have achieved zero poaching of Asian elephants since 2006 and are committed to working with the Cambodian government to restore populations of other iconic mammals including tigers.
Through our partnership with the Cambodian Apsara Authority we have reintroduced the pileated gibbon, using individuals confiscated from the illegal wildlife trade, into forests surrounding the iconic temples of Angkor Watt. For the first time since the 1950s, you can now hear singing gibbons from these historic monuments.
We believe that positive messaging regarding solutions to biodiversity loss, particularly the need for sufficient funding and capacity for robust law enforcement in critical protected landscapes, is necessary for effective conservation.
Our environmental education work, the Kouprey Express, focuses on engaging school children with nature and biodiversity including through visits to the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre which we co-manage with the Cambodian government.
We also manage a unique 150 km² conservation concession in the Cardamom Rainforest Landscape and believe that developing such innovative approaches in Asia may be an effective solution to the often poor management of the region’s protected areas.
We believe that through partnering with ConservationNOW we can be part of a broader movement promoting solutions to the biodiversity crisis which is particularly impacting the many majestic species of South East Asia.