Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) was established in 1987 to link the botanic gardens of the world in a global network for plant conservation. Our mission is to mobilise botanic gardens and engage partners in securing plant diversity for the well-being of people and the planet.
We play an active role in promoting conservation and represent botanic gardens in more than 100 countries around the world. Our work focuses on plant conservation, public engagement, services for botanic gardens, and training and capacity building.
Plants are essential for all life on earth, yet 20% are threatened with extinction and far too often, world flora are relegated to a green background for more charismatic wildlife. However, 1 in 5 tree species are directly used by humans for food, fuel, timber, medicines, horticulture, and more. They store 50% of the world’s terrestrial carbon and provide a buffer from extreme weather, such as hurricanes and tsunamis.
We aim to support and empower our members and the wider conservation community, so that our knowledge and expertise can be applied to reversing the threat of extinction facing plants. Our vision is a world in which plant diversity is valued, secure, and supporting all life.
By joining ConservationNOW, we would like to share stories of our members and the incredible impact they have had on plant conservation across the world in the hope that we can inspire more people to make a positive change towards plant conservation, and raise awareness about the importance of plants for biodiversity, the climate, wildlife, and our well-being.