Hutan is a wildlife research and conservation programme based in the Kinabatangan floodplain in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Established in 1998, our programme now employs more than 60 skilled staff from the local Sungai community. We work in close partnership with the Sabah Wildlife Department and a wide range of partners – including Kinabatangan communities, government agencies and oil palm plantations to develop practical solutions for biodiversity conservation and the peaceful coexistence between wildlife and people. Since 1998, Hutan has developed and implemented a holistic approach to conservation, combining scientific research, ecosystem protection and management, capacity building and awareness-raising. Through the community-based “Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme” (KOCP), Hutan empowers local communities to manage and protect wildlife and other natural resources in the Kinabatangan. Since 2007, Hutan’s Environmental Awareness Programme (HEAP) conducts environmental education and awareness programmes for school children, local communities and the general public throughout Sabah. HEAP’s team is composed of four highly dedicated educators hailing from the local community. The team aims to share Hutan’s 20+ years’ experience in wildlife research and conservation and has now become an inspiring ambassador for change well beyond its community. HEAP has developed a solid network of national and international partners in the field of environmental education and is continually seeking to learn and adapt innovative techniques to share its knowledge and enthusiasm in a structured and positive manner. Being part of the ConservationNOW network would significantly empower Hutan, and particularly HEAP’s team, in this direction.