Bees-For-All began with the preconception that people are more likely to be motivated by positive emotions than by negative. Our organization seeks to motivate people to do everything they can to protect pollinators, not through doom and gloom facts and statistics, but by engaging their minds and stimulating their imagination in a hands-on way, using beekeeping as a “gateway bug” to foster a love of all pollinators, especially vulnerable native species.
From educating the public about the importance of pollinators, to creating a web of pollinator-friendly habit in our local area, we have fully embraced the need to inspire hope and optimism to achieve our goals. Provoking a positive emotional response is, we believe, the key to creating lifelong conservationists, which is why we use the honey bee to get our message across. Honey bees already have a tremendous amount of goodwill among the public, and we have observed that getting the public up close and personal with a colony is a transformative experience that very often leads to beneficial behaviors.
We believe that joining Conservation Optimism would not only get our message across to a wider audience, but would provide us with a network of like-minded people who we could draw inspiration from and possibly collaborate with in the future. We can achieve more together than alone, and I believe organizations like this, which bring disparate conservation groups together, can help bring us all closer to our goals than if we acted alone.