The Wilderness Foundation is dedicated to linking positive benefits of nature for people and teaching and empowering people to act positively towards caring for the natural world. We practice by offering direct experience of nature and wild spaces through day, short and long immersion programmes. These include environmental education, nature therapy and natural leadership growth. We currently reach over 5,000 people each year in our outreach and aim to increase this exponentially.
We believe in connecting people emotionally to the natural world. By enabling them to understand and see the benefits they reap from wild nature, they will, in a direct relationship with the natural world, be passionate in caring and take action for it. In addition, we practice and teach Leave no Trace ethics to all ages we work with, knowing these ethics will last a lifetime.
Joining ConservationNOW feels like a natural fit for us as the ethos is close to our hearts and practice. In addition, being in a coalition of like-minded organisations offers a collective of strengths and fresh angles that will help us all reach a wider network and audience to impact positively on how we care for and look after nature and the environment.