About Pledgeforourfuture.earth
This idea for pledgeforourfuture.earth was conceived by Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland, Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford, and implemented by an international team of conservation academics and professionals. Some of the people most heavily involved in bringing this initiative to life are: Hollie Booth, Ravi Chellam, Dhruv Gangadharan, Mirjam Hazenbosch, Munib Khanyari, Varnita Mathur, Helen Newing, Carlyn Samuel, Claudio Sillero, Jon Taylor, Pradeep Thoma.
The website was made by a team at the Metastring Foundation, led by Varnita Mathur, and the logo was designed by Manini Bansal.
However, this story is not about the people who set up this platform: it is about all of us.