Wondering what went right this week in the conservation world? We’ve got you covered with our Conservation Optimism Round-Up! Each week we are collating stories of optimism from around the globe so that you never miss your dose of Monday Motivation.
1. ‘A thrilling sign’: Researchers discover secret colony of highly endangered marmots on Vancouver Island
” The Vancouver Island marmot is endemic to the island, and only lives in the high mountains in open alpine habitat. Their populations have plummeted in past decades because of habitat loss, reaching a low of 27 in 2003. Because of captive breeding programs in the Toronto Zoo, Calgary Zoo and Mount Washington, there are now around 200 individuals in the wild population. “
Researchers and conservationists are celebrating after the discovery of a group of 10-12 Vancouver Island marmots including adults, yearlings and pups. #ConservationOptimism #EndangeredSpecies https://t.co/eauYWM3mMX
— National Environmental Treasure (@Our_Safety_NET) August 25, 2021
2. Record number of Cornish choughs fledge
“The chough, which is a distinctive black bird with a red beak and legs, returned to Cornwall in 2001, after being absent for 28 years. This year 66 choughlets have fledged, from 23 breeding pairs – the most since the species recolonised the county.”
Once extinct in #England, reintroduction programs are returning the Red-billed #Chough, and 2021 has been a record breeding year in #Cornwall!#rewilding #birds #reintroduced #wildlife #biodiversity #conservationoptimism #conservation #LetNatureThrivehttps://t.co/a0dlE4i9M0
— Global Conservation Solutions (@_GCS_) August 24, 2021
3. In Sri Lanka, biologists and divers build a Facebook for sea turtles
“The Turtle ID project uses photos taken by recreational divers to build up a database of turtles based on their unique facial patterns. The initiative was launched in August 2019, but soon came to a halt as dive centers, among other tourism businesses, closed during the lockdown imposed in early 2020.”
The Turtle ID project uses photos taken by recreational divers to build up a database of turtles based on their unique facial patterns. https://t.co/dj2VfiyeTW #CitSci #conservationoptimism
— InternetOfElephants (@ioelephants) August 16, 2021
4. Scottish forests could save red squirrel from extinction
“Twenty forest strongholds in Scotland would save the red squirrel from extinction even if grey squirrels were to colonise the whole of Britain, according to research.”
"Now I’m very optimistic. The work done by conservation bodies has prevented the spread of grey squirrels beyond certain boundaries over the last decade.” #rewilding https://t.co/0WWbtL3jVP #conservationoptimism pic.twitter.com/ue6nY5Jbpr
— Citizen Zoo (@CitizenZoo) August 16, 2021
5. The “Lost and Found” project works to bring to life the inspirational stories of those that never stopped believing and whose passion led them to rewrite the history of the species they so deeply cared about.
“Our goal is to use the universal language of storytelling to showcase in narrative and visual format the most formidable rediscoveries of both vertebrates and invertebrates animals as well as plants from five continents.”
Lost ≠ Gone
— Debby Ng (@torvaanser) August 19, 2021
Loving this initiative to showcase rediscovered species! #Singapore has its own story of rediscovery - the Neptune's cup sponge! See linked tweet for blurp about it! https://t.co/LjeFUN3v7y #conservationoptimism
6. How restoring nature keeps the floods at bay
“Fires. Storms. Floods. The climate crisis is here, and it’s making extreme weather events ever more frequent. As we fight the root causes of the crisis, it is just as important to protect ourselves against its devastating consequences. We must adapt. To do so, restoring our natural landscapes is essential.”
A brilliant #conservationoptimism story. The wonders that happen when we work with nature, rather than against it.@BirdLifeEurope @Natures_Voice https://t.co/JBiu0VLmeE
— Antaia Christou (@antaiachristou) August 27, 2021
7. Farmers regreen Kenya’s drylands with agroforestry and an app
“Dried-out soils create a hard pan that rains and roots can’t penetrate, but in Kenya, more than 35,000 farmers have joined the Drylands Development Programme to regreen their lands with agroforestry, joining peers in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mali and Niger.“
This is wonderful #ConservationOptimism https://t.co/s3z7BlOlhk
— Christina (@CWitvrouwen) August 27, 2021
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