Wondering what went right this week in the conservation world? We’ve got you covered with our Conservation Optimism Round-Up! Each week we are collating stories of optimism from around the globe so that you never miss your dose of Monday Motivation.
1. Plastic summit could be most important green deal since Paris accords, says UN
” World leaders will come together online and in Nairobi, Kenya, next week, in what is described as a “critical moment” in progress towards the first ever global treaty to combat plastic waste. Inger Andersen, director of the UN Environment Programme, said an agreement at the UN environment assembly could be the most important multilateral pact since the Paris climate accord in 2015. “
Plastic summit could be most important green deal since Paris accords, says UN https://t.co/9zW7WUIpRe
— Guardian Environment (@guardianeco) February 25, 2022
2. Humpback whales no longer listed as endangered in Australia after major recovery
“Humpback whales will be removed from Australia’s threatened-species list, after the government’s independent scientific panel on threatened species deemed the mammals had made a major recovery. “
What a great story of #conservationoptimism! We can make a difference when we work together! @ConservOptimism #WHALES https://t.co/OFWQ1pNSyo
— Nancy Castaldo 🌎DayEveryDay (@NCastaldoAuthor) February 27, 2022
3. Hope for hedgehogs as numbers in Britain’s towns show signs of recovery
” Although there are mixed population trends, and rural populations are still declining. the State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022 report shows Britain’s urban hedgehogs are showing signs of recovery”
Yay! 🦔 #conservationoptimism https://t.co/0vl1fH1cgR
— Clare Simm (@claraesse) February 22, 2022
4. Man of Príncipe – How a poacher turned turtle protector
” Follow the story of Manuel da Graça Sacramento Gomes, widely known as Lindo. Lindo once earned money poaching turtles. But since discovering he could protect them & make a sustainable income, he’s helped almost eliminate poaching from the island.”
Local people can be some of nature's best custodians.
— Fauna & Flora International (@FaunaFloraInt) February 23, 2022
Born on Príncipe, Lindo once earned money poaching turtles. But since discovering he could protect them & make a sustainable income, he's helped almost eliminate poaching from the island.
Read more: https://t.co/LUdDeDj7oS pic.twitter.com/6TcMtwNM5O
5. Hawaii Becomes The First State in the US to make Shark Fishing Illegal.
” A Bill passed by the 2021 Hawaii State Legislature banning shark fishing in state waters went into affect this year”
Victory! Hawaii Becomes The First State To Ban Shark Fishing Making It Illegal To Capture, Entangle Or Kill A Shark in State Marine Waters. 🦈👏💙 #sharks https://t.co/vKd3KxQxp8
— Sea Shepherd (@seashepherd) January 27, 2022
6. Panama Enacts a Rights of Nature Law, Guaranteeing the Natural World’s ‘Right to Exist, Persist and Regenerate’
” The nation joins a host of other countries in embracing a legal movement that gives land, trees, rivers, coral reefs and mountains unique legal rights, similar to humans, corporations and governments.”
A little good news, #Panama just recognized the rights of nature into law: https://t.co/OsFj9KejDh
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) February 26, 2022
Protect people and the planet.#ActOnClimate #climate #energy #nature #rewilding #hope pic.twitter.com/1kWXhQQrtu
7. WCS releases 35 Cantor’s giant softshell turtles into the wild
” The Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia Programme (WCS) has said it safely released 35 Cantor’s giant softshell turtle hatchlings into the wild along the Mekong River on February 17, in Kratie province’s northernmost district of Sambor.”
FEEL GOOD #TGIF. Back into the wild! 35 critically endangered Cantor's giant softshell turtles released in the Mekong river in #Cambodia. Community-led nest protection is supported by #EU @EU_Partnerships #PartnersAgainstWildlifeCrime #ConservationOptimismhttps://t.co/kNuyU6H0Yw
— Partners Against Wildlife Crime (@EUCWT) February 25, 2022
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