What can we do to make our world a better place? We live in a world saturated with information, but lacking in guidance on how to act. At times, the issues we learn about even feel too big to take on from the perspective of one person, leaving us feeling helpless and/or disengaged.
Our New World Podcast is a resource to provide some sort of sense as to how we can improve our planet for future generations. On it, I interview great minds, thought leaders and activists about some of the major issues that humanity faces with the aim to break down the problems into more easily digestible pieces. The show is solutions-focused, empathetic, and about collaboration, all of which is especially important to giving us a sense of responsibility over the planet that we live and rely on.
Our New World is also a space to give people a platform and amplify voices. The first season focused on ‘women in the world’ and the second looked at ‘future leaders’ and youth activists. Season three is in planning phases at the moment as the format, quality and topics continuously evolve. The mission statement however, will always stay the same: ‘how do we move the dial for our planet’.