Wondering what went right this week in the conservation world? We’ve got you covered with our Conservation Optimism Round-Up! We are collating stories of optimism from around the globe so that you never miss your dose of weekly motivation.

1. Hawaiian plant, thought extinct, now thrives at secret site

” An exciting find in Hawaii is bringing renewed hope that a plant species once thought extinct in the wild, but now under careful cultivation in a secret location, will spark continued efforts to protect biodiversity on the islands. ”

2. The Nigerian sanctuary saving trafficked and injured wildlife

” In 2012 Chinedu Mogbo opened a wildlife sanctuary in eastern Lagos. Now after a decade, Green Fingers Day saw hundreds of young people come together for seminars and celebrations to meet and learn about some of the 54 resident species.”

3. Fish eggs return to Bangladesh’s Halda River following conservation efforts

The Halda River, considered the world’s only natural gene bank for several pure Indian carp species, as well as home to dozens of endangered Ganges River dolphins, has made a comeback after fish eggs all but disappeared from the river several years ago.

4. Whaling: “A Part Of Our Past Rather Than Our Future” Says Icelandic Fisheries Minister

” “As a ‘forward-thinking minister,’ she says she must take into account that only one company now holds a whaling permit and that Icelanders don’t have much appetite for whale meat anymore,” the article concludes. “‘The practice is a part of our past rather than our future.’””

5. Endangered moth sees resurgence in Blandford Forest, UK

An endangered moth has seen a resurgence in part of Dorset following a project to restore its habitat. The barberry carpet moth is one of the UK’s rarest invertebrate species with only 12 known populations. The replanting of native barberry in Blandford Forest has resulted in an increase in the number of larvae found there, from 14 in 2018 to 50 this year. 

6. Scientists discover ‘world’s largest’ seagrass forest – by strapping cameras to sharks

” New study, carried out using tiger sharks in the Bahamas, extends total known global seagrass coverage by more than 40%”

7. Five Spooky Species That Science Brought Back From the Brink

” Species include; the Black footed ferret, the Guam rail, the American Bison, the Whooping Crane and the Scimitar-horned Oryx”

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We are a global community dedicated to sharing stories and resources to empower people from all backgrounds to make a positive impact for wildlife and nature.