Wondering what went right this week in the conservation world? We’ve got you covered with our Conservation Optimism Round-Up! We are collating stories of optimism from around the globe so that you never miss your dose of weekly motivation. (Image courtesy of Fred Lulu des Bois from Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/37392789@N07/5146283264/in/photostream/)

1. Wales’ largest ecosystem restoration project moves forward with crowdfunder success

” Tir Natur (‘Nature’s Land’) made headlines in November 2024 after launching a crowdfunder to help secure over 1000 acres of marginal upland farm to showcase rewilding and the importance of large grazing animals in restoring depleted ecosystems.”

2. Near-extinct Siberian crane is recovering thanks to habitat protection

” Over the past decade, the population of the critically endangered Siberian crane has increased by nearly 50%, according to the International Crane Foundation. The foundation said the boost in the snowy-white Siberian crane’s (Leucogeranus leucogeranus) numbers is the result of efforts to secure the migratory bird’s stopover sites along its eastern flyway, or migratory route, between Russia and China. “

3. UK Government overturns previous measure and bans emergency use of bee-killing pesticide

” Bee-killing pesticides have been banned for emergency use in the UK for the first time in five years after the government rejected an application from the National Farmers’ Union and British Sugar. The neonicotinoid pesticide Cruiser SB, which is used on sugar beet, is highly toxic to bees and has the potential to kill off populations of the insect. “

4. 1 billion birds die every year in the USA from window collisions. Polka dot glass is changing that

” In 2024, Feather Friendly added bird-safe film to the exterior of the building— the equivalent of two football fields worth of windows.  The polka dot formation on the film disrupts the reflection of the glass, making it easier for birds to detect and avoid. “

5. Seagrass mapping in India helps identify restoration potential

” With that in focus, a team of researchers conducted a small-scale study to map and assess the spatial distribution and restoration potential of seagrass beds in the Palk Bay region which hosts the Dugong Conservation Reserve (DCR). Established in 2022, the reserve, spread over approximately 500 sq. km. protects the endangered dugong (Dugong dugon) or “sea cow”, a species that subsists entirely on seagrasses. The DCR is India’s first protected area dedicated to dugongs. “

6. Forest Kids Game from the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation and European Space Agency

The Forest Kids game by FAO and ESA brings complex topics like forest conservation to young learners in a fun, interactive way.

7. Multimillion-dollar GBFF project to target conservation of Madagascar’s threatened species

” Madagascar will receive US$8.56 million in funding for an ambitious five-year conservation project aimed at saving the Island’s threatened species, it has been announced. “

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