Wondering what went right this week in the conservation world? We’ve got you covered with our Conservation Optimism Round-Up! Each week we are collating stories of optimism from around the globe so that you never miss your dose of Monday Motivation.
1. This map may make you feel better about the state of the planet
” Last summer, Thomas Crowther, an ecologist at ETH Zurich, launched Restor, a mapping tool that shows where in the world people are doing this sort of restoring or conserving of ecosystems. “
#ConservationOptimism https://t.co/GAeg1XYWtH
— Erle Ellis (艾尔青) (@erleellis) January 23, 2022
2. Latest survey demonstrates population boom for the Griffon Vulture in Sardinia, Italy
“The survey started with data collected as part of the preceding project, LIFE Under Griffon Wings, which, over five years, grew Italy’s only indigenous Griffon Vulture population, located in North-West Sardinia. The population increased in all its parameters: from 27 Griffon Vulture breeding pairs and 20 young fledged in 2015 to 51 breeding pairs and 37 young fledged in 2020.”
🐣The latest #LIFESafeforVultures census recorded an extraordinary #GriffonVulture breeding season in #Sardinia with 10 colonies occupied, 66 territorial pairs and 45 fledglings in 2021.
— Vulture Conservation Foundation (@4Vultures) January 23, 2022
👉 Learn more at https://t.co/AEcHavwaNA
@LIFEprogramme #vultures #conservationoptimism pic.twitter.com/8VunIpfLIj
3. Seeing 1,000 glorious fin whales back from near extinction is a rare glimmer of hope
” One thousand fin whales, one of the world’s biggest animals, were seen last week swimming in the same seas in which they were driven to near-extinction last century due to whaling. ”
— Simon Hedges (@simonhedges64) January 17, 2022
4. ‘I feel I’ve made a mark’: the man who built homes for 60,000 swifts
“Stimpson has one achievement in particular to mark: he has just completed his goal of building 30,000 swift boxes, which could house half of the UK’s breeding population of 60,000 pairs. “
One man has made enough nest boxes to house half the UK’s swifts:#swift #britishbirds #conservationoptimism https://t.co/T5yUKc1Ngh
— Conservation Success Stories (@Cons_Success) January 21, 2022
5. Giant pristine coral reef discovered off Tahiti
” Marine explorers have discovered a “pristine” 3km (2-mile) coral reef at depths of 30m (100ft) off the coast of Tahiti, French Polynesia. It is one of the largest discovered at that depth, says the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which led the mission. “
— Dr. Stephanie Schuttler💎 (@FancyScientist) January 21, 2022
6. Four conservation stories from 2021 to make you smile
” These include stories from around the world, including traditional knowledge in the Cook Islands, Orangutans in Indonesia and more “
The results speak for themselves.
— Synchronicity Earth (@SynchEarth) January 21, 2022
In one example, this practice has led to increases in the population of 17 freshwater species and the return of nine other species in only five years!
For more #ConservationOptimism stories to make you smile: https://t.co/dS5mO125kP pic.twitter.com/ZhFN6bc6DF
7. Bangladesh has a new Marine Protected Area!
“Government moves to protect waters around Saint Martin’s Island, home to Bangladesh’s only coral reef and threatened Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and whale sharks. The new MPA covers 1,743 square kilometers (672 square miles) and brings Bangladesh one step closer to the goal of protecting 10 percent of its marine waters in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity and Sustainable Development Goals”
#Bangladesh has a new #Marine Protected Area, conserving over 1,700 sq km of #coralreefs and habitat for threatened #whales, #dolphins, and #sharks!#protectedareas #ocean #blueplanet #nature #wildlife #conservationoptimism #conservation #LetNatureThrivehttps://t.co/RW1PITdDeN pic.twitter.com/Shr6UeNMwp
— Global Conservation Solutions (@_GCS_) January 17, 2022
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