Wondering what went right this week in the conservation world? We’ve got you covered with our Conservation Optimism Round-Up! We are collating stories of optimism from around the globe so that you never miss your dose of weekly motivation.
1. Blue-throated macaws are making a slow, but hopeful, comeback in Bolivia
“As this year’s nesting season for the blue-throated Macaw nesting season comes to an end, the Laney Rickman Reserve reports 16 nesting attempts in the 100 nest boxes monitored by the park’s rangers. The nesting resulting in eight chicks successfully fledging—a significant number nt for conservation of the species, according to the Rainforest Trust.”
2. Sighting of new gray wolf family raises hopes of resurgence in Oregon
“The sighting of a new family of gray wolves in Oregon’s Cascade mountains has given wildlife advocates hope that the recovery of the endangered species in the state is gathering pace.”
The sighting of a new family of #graywolves in Oregon’s Cascade mountains has given wildlife advocates hope that the recovery of the #endangeredspecies in the state is gathering pace!#conservationoptimism https://t.co/hvj7ZSaAb2
— SCB (@Society4ConBio) September 17, 2022
3. Highest coral cover in 36 years recorded in parts of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
“The most impressive improvement occurred North of Cooktown where hard coral cover went from 27 percent to 36 percent last year, and in the central area, where it grew from 27 percent to 33 percent. Following the mass bleaching events of 2016 and 2017, these unexpected, positive results are promising.”
4. European bill passes to ban imports of deforestation-linked commodities
“Imports of 14 types of commodities into the European Union will soon have to be verified for possible association with deforestation in the countries in which they were produced. That’s the key provision in a bill passed on Sept. 13 by the European Parliament, which initially targeted soy, beef, palm oil, timber, cocoa, and coffee, but now also includes pork, lamb and goat meat, as well as poultry, corn, rubber, charcoal, and printed paper.”
About time for some #ConservationOptimism https://t.co/wfwE6eiFQV
— Jonathan Greenslade (@JonGreenslade_) September 20, 2022
5. Successful breeding season for the chough in Cornwall
“After a successful breeding season in 2021, this year 25 pairs raised 70 young, bringing the total population to 200 individuals. The birds have begun to naturally colonize other parts of the coast including areas of Devon, a testament to the ongoing dedication by local organisations to protect and monitor these birds.”
6. Cheetahs are back on Indian soil after 70 years
“70 years after its extinction from India, the cheetahs are back on Indian soil. Eight big cats were released into the Indian wildlife in Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno-Palpur National Park (KPNP) on Saturday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who termed it a “historic day”
A big day in Indian #conservation . Certainly ambitious to reintroduce the only megafauna species to go extinct in this country. #rewilding #conservationoptimism #CheetahIsBack #Cheetah #CheetahinIndia #CheetahReturnshttps://t.co/qJ5CEL5UMJ
— Anish Banerjee (@AnishWildlife) September 17, 2022
7. These high-tech tools are helping scientists study birds’ ancient migratory routes
“Today, technological advances are providing new insights into bird migration and showing that it is more complex and wonderful than scientists ever imagined. These new and constantly improving technologies are key aids for protecting migratory birds in the face of habitat loss and other threats.”
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